Monday, January 19th was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We celebrated this year by organizing a book drive for the East Bluff, and by attending the 23rd annual MLK Day Celebration Luncheon at the Civic Center.

We worked with a few local volunteers to collect over 600 books for the East Bluff community.

Some of the books we collected.

Some of the books we collected.

Our members gathered at Children’s Home to sort, label, and package the books for delivery.  This week, we are delivering them to East Bluff organizations like the Little Free Libraries (one at EBNHS, one at the East Bluff Community Center), as well as Children’s Home locations for our Residential and Kiefer School clients.

A box of books for the Residential clients.

A box of books for the Residential clients.

Brought to you by AmeriCorps!

Brought to you by AmeriCorps!

That afternoon, we attended the 23rd annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Luncheon with guest speaker Harry Belafonte.

AmeriCorps Members at the MLK Celebration Luncheon

AmeriCorps Members and community members celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of service.

Enjoying the delicious food.

Enjoying the delicious food.

Happy MLK Day!

Happy MLK Day!

He talked about his legacy working with Dr. King and others, and we were all inspired by his lifetime of service.

Group photo.

This isn't our whole group, but it's a lot of us.

Group photo at the Midwest Food Bank, January 2013.